Publication Title “Knowledge, Internet Abilities and Internet Attitudes as Predictors of Internet Use”.

Publication Type journal
Publisher Journal of Contemporary Studies in Education (UDJCSE) 1 (1), 203 - 211
Paper Link
Publication Authors OBIMGBA G. N. (2022)
Year Published 2022-09-01
Abstract Abstract
There is this activity in which internet users employ their own empowerment as examples of their internet ability. That is, the level of online knowledge, internet ability and internet attitudes. Evaluating the consequences of internet ability for internet use is not as simple as measuring internet access. Despite the importance of online knowledge, internet ability and internet attitudes in this context, little research has been done on the potential relationship among them. As a result, we investigated how much online capability predicted internet usage in the current study. We conducted a survey with Nnamdi Azikiwe University students. I gathered information about the subjects' socioeconomic backgrounds and verified and confirmed the consistency used in our study. I used an ordinary least square regression model to discover that online knowledge, internet ability and internet attitudes all predicted internet use. Only internet ability coefficient was not statistically significant. I could add to the discussion that knowing how to use the internet is not the same as knowing how to use it well. It needs to be dealt with independently and considered as a predictor of internet usage. Our results continue to support the notion that technical internet proficiency plays an essential role in internet usage. Content related online knowledge, internet ability and internet attitudes, on the other hand, are less device-dependent. They must be addressed jointly in education initiatives as the internet advances, as they are crucial in a future where information and communication are facilitated by technology.
Publication Title Determinants of Computer Education Curriculum Implementation”: The Case of Junior Secondary Schools in Oshimili North and Oshimili South Local Government Areas of Delta State

Publication Type journal
Publisher Journal of Contemporary Studies in Education (UDJCSE) 1 (1), 203 - 211
Publication Authors OBIMGBA G. N. (2023)
Year Published 2023-10-01
Abstract Abstract
This work employed the quality and adequacy of the Computer Studies teachers, the amount and accessibility of the teaching resources used as the determinants of Computer Education Curriculum implementation in Junior Secondary Schools in Oshimili North and Oshimili South LGAs of Delta State. A total of one hundred and twenty (60) respondents formed the sample size of this work. The multi-stage sampling technique was deployed in selecting the samples. 60% of the sampled population was from the private secondary schools while 40% belong to the public secondary schools. Meanwhile, 15% of the public schools investigated do not offer Computer Studies based on the Computer Studies teachers quality and adequacy questionnaire (CTQAQ) and teaching resources Checklist (TRC) were used for data collection. The result revealed that 100% were qualified Computer Studies teachers. However, about 70% of the subject teachers teach other subjects along with Computer Studies. Considering the teaching resources, 80% of the sampled schools have desktop Computers and 20.0% makes use of laptop Computers. Result also showed that 98% of the schools sampled make use of the latest edition of Computer studies text book for teaching the subject.
Publication Title Computer Science Education and Software Tool for Real-Time Tracking Lost Mobile Phone. Journal Of Developing Institutional And Human Capacity, 1 (2), 144 – 149

Publication Type journal
Publisher Faculty Of Education Adekunle Ajasin University Aakungba-Akoko.
Publication Authors OBIMGBA G. N. (2023)
Year Published 2023-07-01
Abstract ABSTRACT:
In developing nations like Nigeria where the use of smartphones and other mobile devices is rising swiftly, phone theft is a serious issue. The project's objective was to develop a mobile application for quickly locating and retrieving lost mobile phones in order to improve the process of recovering lost phones with the knowledge of Computer Science Education.. The system was developed utilizing the unified modeling language, using an object-oriented analysis and design approach. A real-time internal Firebase database, Google Map, and the Android SDK Tools Version were used to build the system.
Publication Type journal
Publisher International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR) WASHINGTON DC, USA Year: 2023 | Volume: 7 | Issue: 4 | Page No.: 7-21
Paper Link International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR
Publication Authors OBIMGBA G. N. (2023)
Year Published 2023-04-04
Abstract Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotics are likely to have a significant long-term impact on Higher Education (HE). The
scope of this impact is hard to grasp partly because the literature is soloed, as well as the changing meaning of the concepts
themselves. But developments are surrounded by controversies in terms of what is technically possible, what is practical to implement
and what is desirable, pedagogically or for the good of society. Design imagination that vividly imagine future scenarios of AI or
robotics in use offer a means both to explain and query the technological possibilities. The paper describes the use of a wide-ranging
narrative literature review to develop eight such design imagination that capture the range of potential use of AI and robots in
learning, administration and research. They prompt wider discussion by instantiating such issues as how they might enable teaching
of high order skills or change staff roles, as well as exploring the impact on human agency and the nature of digitalization.
Publication Title Computer Science Education, Curiosity and Critical Thinking: Innovative Approaches for A Digital Age

Publication Type journal
Publisher IIARD – International Institute of Academic Research and Development
Publication Authors OBIMGBA G. N. (2024)
Year Published 2024-10-04
Abstract As Computer Science continues to shape our world, it's essential to foster curiosity and critical
thinking skills in students to prepare them for an ever-evolving digital landscape. This article
explores innovative approaches to Computer Science Education that prioritize curiosity and
critical thinking, including project-based learning, inquiry-based learning, and collaborative
learning. Through a review of existing research and case studies of successful implementation, we
examine the impact of these approaches on student learning outcomes and engagement. Our
findings highlight the potential for these innovations to enhance student motivation, creativity, and
problem-solving skills, ultimately preparing them for success in an increasingly complex and
technology-driven world. This article provides Educators and Policy-makers with practical
strategies and insights to inform the development of Computer Science Education programs that
nurture curiosity and critical thinking.
Publication Title Impact of Parent-Child Interaction on Language Development and Computer Science Education

Publication Type journal
Publisher Irish Journal of Educational Practice International Institute of Advance Scholars Development
Publication Authors Obimgba, G.N & Anyali E.R (2024)
Year Published 2024-10-16
Abstract Abstract: Parent-child Interaction and Computer Science Education play a crucial
role in shaping early language development, laying the foundation for future
computerized communication skills. This study investigates the relationship between
Parent-Child Interactions and Computer Science Education on Language
Development in children aged 18-36 months. Using a mixed-methods approach, we
observed and recorded parent-child interactions during play sessions, analyzing
verbal and non-verbal communication patterns. Our findings indicate that parents'
use of responsive and contingent language, such as responding to children's
vocalizations and expanding on their utterances, significantly predicts language
development through Computer Science Education (Computerized Educational
Games). Additionally, we found that parents' use of gestures and facial expressions
also supports language growth. The results highlight the importance of Parent-child
Interaction and Computer Science Education in fostering early language
development and suggest practical implications for parents and caregivers to support
language skills in young children through Computer Science Education
(Computerized Educational Games).
Publication Title Artificial Intelligence: An Alternative Innovation and Strategies to Teaching and Learning in Nigerian Secondary Schools: A Case Study with Delta State Basic Secondary Schools

Publication Type journal
Publisher International Journal of Computer Science and Mathematical Theory (IJCSMT) E-ISSN 2545-5699 P-ISSN 2695-1924 Vol 10. No.4 2024
Paper Link Online Version Online Version DOI: 10.56201/ijcsmt
Publication Authors Obimgba, G.N & ARISI, R.O (2024)
Year Published 2024-09-04
Abstract This paper (An Alternative Innovation and Strategies to Teaching and Learning in Nigerian
Secondary Schools: A Case Study with Delta State Basic Secondary Schools) explored the role
of Artificial Intelligence (AI) as an alternative innovation in teaching and learning within the
context of schools. It examines various strategies and applications of AI that can forward
educational practices, personalized learning, Virtual tutors and artificial intelligence-powered
analytics. The potential benefits of integrating AI into education are discussed, along with
considerations for responsible and ethical implementation.