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Publication Title The Effect of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) on Academic Libraries in Nigerian Universities Download PDF
Publication Type journal
Publisher Accra Bespoke Multidisciplinary Innovations Conference (ABMIC)
Publication Authors Ogala Justin Onyarin & Okeh Okerierhie Dono
Year Published 2021-12-12
Abstract A descriptive study was conducted to look into the effects of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) on academic libraries in Nigeria universities.. Four research questions guided the study. A review of the related literature was also carried out. The study took place in nine selected Nigerian universities. Survey participants were librarians and library officers from nine state-run university libraries. To collect data, the researchers had used san online survey template and a questionnaire. The information gathered was interpreted with descriptive and inferential statistics. The results indicate that university libraries have differing degrees of ICT infrastructure capacity. The automation of library materials has begun, and database technology has vastly increased information storage and retrieval. Insufficient library funding/financial assistance, as well as inadequate technological infrastructures, was also found. In order to provide efficient resources, any division in such an academic library should indeed be computerized. Governments should prioritize library funding and financial assistance in their budgets. Under their small budgets, management could perhaps emphasize ICT spending..
Publication Title State of the Art on Face Recognition – A Review. Download PDF
Publication Type journal
Publisher Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST) ISSN: 2458-9403
Publication Authors Emuobonuvie E. Andy, Malasowe O. Bridget, Okeh O. Dono and Adeyemi B. Benjamin (2020)
Year Published 2020-09-09
Abstract Abstract - The high demand for face recognition applications has attracted the interest of researchers in this area. As a result of this, several methodologies have been proposed by scholars in this field. Face recognition methodology aims to detect faces in still image and sequence images. Local, global, and hybrid are approaches used in this area. The major issue of face recognition includes intensity, illumination, difficult to control as well as pose. Face images are highly dynamic and they pose difficult issues and challenges to solve when in use, researchers in pattern recognition, computer vision, and artificial intelligence have proposed many models in other to reduce such difficulties to improve the efficiency, robustness, and accuracy. The objective of this paper is to provide a survey of the current state of research on face recognition methodologies that has been proposed by different researchers. The underlining principles and application areas of face recognition are also presented. Finally, a conclusion on the current state of the art in face recognition was given.
Publication Type journal
Publisher education/Okeh.pdf&usg=AOvVaw3B8XhQcgOWU7dRm0hoVZ5v
Publication Authors Okeh, Okerierhie Dono and Opone, Marshall Chime
Year Published 2007-03-20
Abstract Abstract Computers, the wonder machines of our time, did not just emerge to take up the position and status it occupies today. Rather, it evolved gradually, and earlier without much recognition and regard, until it eventually attained it's present enviable state. This is an overview study on the state of computer science with special attention on the historical development of computers, computer science, computer generations and computer applications. It equally established the developments in information technology, library services as associated with the emergence of computers.
Publication Title Information and Communication Technology (ICT). An Effective Tool for Economic Development.
Publication Type journal
Publication Authors Emuobonuvie E. A. Okeh O. D. and Ogala J.
Year Published 2017-04-08
Publication Title Science Education for Self Reliance, Manpower Development and Youth Empowerment Towards National Development.
Publication Type journal
Publisher A Publication of COEASU South – South. ISSN: 2360 – 7440.
Publication Authors Ekokotu A. and Okeh O. D
Year Published 2016-01-04
Publication Title Intranet Technology: An Effective Tool for A Controlled and Web Based Educational Environment that Facilitates Learning.
Publication Type journal
Publication Authors Okeh O. D. , Adeyemi B, B, and Malasowe B. O.
Year Published 2015-05-03
Publication Title Wireless Fidelity Security: Intrusion, Dectection and Prevention. A Software Module to Enforce Security Policies.
Publication Type journal
Publication Authors Adeyemi B. B., Okeh O. D. and Emuobonuvie E. A.
Year Published 2015-09-03
Publication Title Internet and Education: Integration Issues and challenges
Publication Type journal
Publisher Okene Journal of Education (OJED) Vol. 5 No.1,
Publication Authors Emuobonuvie, E.A. Okeh O. D. and Ekokotu A
Year Published 2012-07-05
Publication Title Integrating Technology into the Nigerian Educational System in the 21st Century.
Publication Type journal
Publisher Okene Journal of Education (OJED) Vol. 5 No.1
Publication Authors Okeh O. D. Emuobonuvie, E.A. and Ekokotu A
Year Published 2012-07-05
Publication Title Promoting and Enhancing Banking operations in Nigeria Through ICT
Publication Type journal
Publisher Agbor Journal of Science Education (AJOSE) Vol. 4 No. 1
Publication Authors Okeh, D. O. , Opone, M. C. and Emuobonuvie E.A
Year Published 2012-04-08
Publication Title The State of Speech Recognition Technology in Natural Language Processing.
Publication Type journal
Publisher Mosogar Journal of Science Education, Second Edition, Vol. 2 No. 1, ISSN 2141-2006, Pp 87-89 , Mosogar
Publication Authors Okeh, D. O. and Opone, M. C. (2010)
Year Published 2006-04-07
Publication Title A Review of Network Attacks and Security Solutions in a Networked Environment Download PDF
Publication Type journal
Publisher Asian Journal of Engineering and Applied Technology ISSN: 2249-068X (P) Vol.12 No.2, 2023, pp.xx © The Research Publication, DOI:
Publication Authors O. D. Okeh1, O. F. Ajayi2, E. A. Emuobonuvie3 and D. A. Ekokotu4
Year Published 2023-02-02
Abstract The advancement in technology has led to the interconnectivity of devices referred to as networking. Not only that computers are networked, but the technology also now incorporates all devices giving rise to Internet of Things (IoT). The wide range of connectivity calls for security and protection of data and information as malicious users of the internet have taken advantage of the system. In this paper, we reviewed most of the common threading types of network attack. The paper has x-rayed the different challenges accompanying a network and how they could be detected and handled accordingly. Moreso, the different types of attacks have been looked into with a view to understanding the emerging attacks and how they could be curbed as well. Different security solutions such as cryptography, firewall and blockchain technology were discussed. Obviously, while implementing these security strategies, we are aware that our data and information cannot be fully secured but measures can be put in place to minimize the extent of attack and damages.Keywords: Network Security, Internet of Things (IoT), Cryptography, Firewall and Blockchain
Publication Title Eruptions and Disruptions of Machine Learning In the Health Sector
Publication Type journal
Publisher The Journal of Computer Science and Its Applications. An International Journal of the Nigeria Computer Society (NCS) Vol. 30, No. 1, June, 2023
Publication Authors S. O. Oladipo, O. Awodele, M. B. Aliyu, O. Fatade, O. D. Okeh, I. Nwosu
Year Published 2023-06-01
Abstract Machine learning (ML) has affected the way healthcare is being approached and offers tremendous opportunities for enhanced diagnosis, improved personalized treatment, predictive analytics and drug research and development among several increasing possibilities. For instance, the treatment and management of technostress is gaining the interest of machine learning. However, like any disruptive technology, ML also brings significant challenges and disruptions to the healthcare sector. These disruptions space include security and privacy dilemma, ethical issues, legal concerns, and transparency concerns. In this study, we examined the eruptions and disruptions of ML in the healthcare sector, the prospects and the challenges. Ultimately, this study recommends striking a balance between innovation (disruptive technology eruptions) and cautious mitigation of the disruptions that attend such innovations. This is critical to realizing the full power of ML in healthcare.
Publication Title Theoretical Review of Ethereum Blockchain Based Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) System in the 21st Century Download PDF
Publication Type journal
Publisher Journal of Computing, Science &Technology.Vol.1 Issue 2, 5-20, 2024
Publication Authors Okeh O. D.1 & Emuobonuvie, E. A. 2 Anazia E.K3 & Agbaje, M. O. 4
Year Published 2024-05-20
Abstract The interconnectivity of digital devices has made tremendous impact in the lives of individuals, corporate organizations and institutions alike in recent times. The impact experienced by this great technology has attracted the attention of hoodlums posing as hackers obstructing the activities of the Internet. The health sector which parades vital data of patient cannot afford to be exposed freely to these unlawful users of the Internet. Patients’ health records should be protected hence this paper has proposed a secured medical system to take care of patient’s data which have gained entrance into cloud computing and are stored on the cloud alongside the ones in transit. The paper looked at the taxonomy of the Internet of Things layer- wise and the taxonomy of security protocols used by the layers respectively. Finally, a blockchain methodology using Ethereum technology was proposed.
Publication Title Eruptions and Disruptions of Machine Learning In the Health Sector Download PDF
Publication Type journal
Publisher The Journal of Computer Science and Its Applications. An International Journal of the Nigeria Computer Society (NCS) Vol. 30, No. 1, June, 2023
Publication Authors S. O. Oladipo, O. Awodele, M. B. Aliyu, O. Fatade, O. D. Okeh, I. Nwosu
Year Published 2023-06-06
Abstract Machine learning (ML) has affected the way healthcare is being approached and offers tremendous opportunities for enhanced diagnosis, improved personalized treatment, predictive analytics and drug research and development among several increasing possibilities. For instance, the treatment and management of technostress is gaining the interest of machine learning. However, like any disruptive technology, ML also brings significant challenges and disruptions to the healthcare sector. These disruptions space include security and privacy dilemma, ethical issues, legal concerns, and transparency concerns. In this study, we examined the eruptions and disruptions of ML in the healthcare sector, the prospects and the challenges. Ultimately, this study recommends striking a balance between innovation (disruptive technology eruptions) and cautious mitigation of the disruptions that attend such innovations. This is critical to realizing the full power of ML in healthcare.